Fun with cats

It occurred to me the other morning that I may not have a bad back after all.  What I might have is a fat-assed cat who uses me for furniture all night long, throwing my spine out of alignment and cutting off my circulation so that my legs go numb.  Because my cat has to sleep on me.  If I’m on my left side, he’s on my right hip, and vice-versa.  If I’m on my back, he’s curled up on my stomach.  Usually directly on my bladder.  This is the only explanation for why my back doesn’t hurt when I sleep someplace other than home.

My other cat has taken to peeing on the laundry room floor, ten feet from the litter box.  She is really pissed off that the warm summer weather and sunshine has been replaced with rain and cold temperatures and, apparently, I am to blame and must be punished.

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